Monday, July 17
this is the pic for the day, from wikipedia.
a venus fly trap. or something of that sort from an 8th stand bio text. somehow that reminds me of biohazard. this weird freaky band from new york. lots of yelling and screaming. listen to new world disorder if you can. freaky song. here's a freaky video i saw... right now- korn. rocks!
man i'm rambling. but i can do that, right? this my blog. or our blog. or whatever. atleast this is a little more interesting than superman returns. suckath movie, man.
oh, this was a banner ad i saw just now...what were they thinking? i mean it's one thing that people actually click on banner ad. entirely another thing that people'd click on it to get a pink razr...
A: "Hey! Know what? I just won a Razr!!! Phone rocks dude..."
B: "Yessuh? You won it? Show the phone, da. I wanna have a look..."
A: "Err... No. Can't show it."
B: "Why?"
A: "Dude... it's a NEW phone... If I take it out... err... can't man... sunlight... will spoil the phone..."
or some such thing.
PINK. i hate the colour.
(btw, i saw a guy. GUY. in pink jeans. god knows where his brain was. or whether he HAD a brain.)
i'm sure it's either kirsten dumpster, jessica bile, or linsday lo-ham. but i'm SUUURE i don't care...
oh and on a final note-
"pink se panga nahe lene ka, never"
yea? what are you? a closet-pink-razr-lover?
Dya think you get a Fugly Futch connection along with the fugly Fink phone seeing as how Futch has gone all Fink now?
and BTW i'm positive that is Lindsay Lohan..
how do i know you ask?
three words: Bangalore friggin Times..
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