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Almost a year after Euro 2008...

Thursday, January 22

Just a list of messages that were exchanged during the European Championships in Austria, Switzerland (or was it Sweden? I'm confused).
>Hey. This cunt soole maga Sunil Taneja is at it again. Who needs this effing hindi commentary man, thooo.
>Woh. Listen to this, as the swiss came to take a free kickhe called Senderos a Khatharnaak Khiladi.
>Lol, he made such a big deal for those handshakes only. "aur ballebazo haath mila rahe hai best of luck kehne khe liye". Hahaha, Sunil "i'm a wanker" Taneja.
> Hindi for beating a defender is "defender kho chakma dethe hue". Chakma.Haha, sounds like "bad word".
>I will tell to teeeacher, nikhil said a baaad word, i will tell to teeeacher. ( no idea how this found mention)
>The Romanian leftback is a "Rat". Heh, a rat!
>Only three white French players on the pitch compared to Romania's eleven. (no guesses where this came from)
>Boring game. Makele has seen more of the ball than anyone else.
>Time for the (black?) panther Bafetimbe Gomis to brighten (heh) the game up.
>Yess! The black panther's coming on.
>Players like Makelele shouldn't be allowed man. Absolute waste of black paint.
>This indian guy's a prat (reference to Sunil Taneja) : "counter attack technology" it seems.
>Haha, Nuno gomes looked seriously pissed off while singing the national anthem, serious sex offender type aggression!
>Spain! Ehh, yeah, no upset.

Author: squid-ahoy! » Comments:

It was, but not a stormy night.

Wednesday, November 12

This can be considered an inspired work of fiction.

The day had started out well enough. Better than most days even. The GPs having let exclusive control over the house be my responsibility, and the maid banging in vain at the door, when I was catching the last two or so of my forty winks.

I made my own attempts at making the day better as well, 'I shall not go to college today!'. Barring the now normal three hours of lack of electrical supply, the day did go the way it promised to.
A match between Manchester United and Arsenal FC was deemed to be the highlight of the day, and inviting friends over to 'catch the match' only seemed polite. As was par for the course, so to speak, drinks were only to be expected. Here, thy author would like to confess that he did go back on a previous vow to self, of not planning to touch anything of a high percentage. Regrettable, possibly.

To continue with the tale, the first ill omens were at kickoff itself, the harbinger being the very appreciated entity that goes by the common name of BESCom. Not to be ones to be easily dampened by matters that were but trivial (after all, human civilization has managed for centuries, nay millenia without 230V 50Hz ac), we continued with the other main event for the day. Dental appendages being modified as bottle openers, our kick-off happened as scheduled. Buoyed by the fantastic initial momentum, the collective decision was that more drinks were in order. This was not the turning point for the day. With work being equally deputed, mine being procurement of manchurian, gobi and manchurian, mushroom and that of the #1 fellow being a quarter of bottled nail polish remover, things were smooth only. Adding to our high spirits, was the resumption of services by the already mentioned appreciated entity.

As the match drew to a close, without the result being quite which was eagerly anticipated, we decided to get carried away. Some steps away was an automated teller machine, and we made it successfully back, with but four steps missed. The order to one particular Baron was the same and homewards we turned.

This was the turning point. This was where the Gods above decided some adventure was in order for the day. This was the time when the fifteen year old deadbolt manufactered by Godrej (guaranteed for ten years) decided it had had enough. The key in my hand refused to turn. Half hour it took for this matter to sink into our half-elevated brains. By this time, however, three more friends we had invited over. Three more, in which to share our misery. The three seemed amused by this, and I would state that it wasn't quite a waste of time for them.

At this point, I'm bored of typing this out. We were locked out of the house for the night. Ashte happened. Full experience, plus demonstration of loyalty by that particular #1 fellow (may he live long.) at 5am the next morning.


Author: neanderthaldude » Comments:

Useless, we are? I think not.

.. and the power cuts and the mosquitoes have had their effect on my addled brain. Four hours a day is but a sixth, you can argue. I don't care.

In any case, massimiliano and thy not-so-humble-but-quite-lazy author have had interesting mobile communications. Cheap jokes and bad English aside, there's been a noticeably amateur attempt to codify some of the vices we are rather unfortunately prone to at times. A weakness that every human is afflicted by, we argue.

The end results (ranked in ascending order or percentages, heh.):

More intelligent friend
Orphan's parent's
King's Stiff Task
Boxing match finisher
Bird with strength
In the direction of dry grass
Environmental Sticker
Aged Hermit
Male deer, of royal blood.
Marine dental accessory
Combustible liquid

And the lack of sleep the previous night so caused the author to come up with some truly terrible ones. Nevertheless, they are showcased here, just for thee.
Punjab Twenty-20's favourite low-percentage drink
Purity in naughtiness (later corrected to not-dark for naughtiness)

Answers, you ask? It is for you to seek, my friend.

Slap me, and I shall cease this affected tone, and be my normal self.

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Author: neanderthaldude » Comments:

Kid's Rock

Friday, May 23

advertisement. unpaid for.
Tim Hawkins, it seems.


Author: neanderthaldude » Comments:

... and ManU win.

Sunday, May 11

Ok, so the richest football team in the world wins its home league title. "Yay."

So, why are we interested? I mean, England IS some million thousand kilometres away, and there's no Vikash Dhorasoo or some such 'great' Indian connection to the Red Devils anyway. So, why the fuck should we care about something like this? Why "waste" time the day before internals to watch a match, whose outcome was pretty much never in doubt?
Oh, and why are there just SO many more ManU 'fans' than any other teams' among the people I know anyway?

Oi, Babu, write up. Chief Contributor.

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Author: neanderthaldude » Comments:

(no title)

Friday, February 8

I want to meet the einstein who thought it'd be nice if january had 31 days, furwary 28, march 31,..... december 31. Ha! one post from me. Good shot. And the moon takes 28 or 29 days to orbit the earth. where's the sense in giving the three days allowance? if the moon suddenly decides it needs a rest? or just one day it goes, 'don't want' and stops doing it's stuff? aaaargh. irritating. i hate calendars, almost as much as i dislike Windows Vista...

Author: squid-ahoy! » Comments:


Wednesday, December 5

this is a P220.

Author: neanderthaldude » Comments:

why me? why ME?

Sunday, March 4

Another thing lost. Calculator. My third, i think. Or maybe, fourth.
Isn't it enough dharma I've done by generously donating my iPod to some ' random anonymous' sod in class? Isn't it enough to get my foot into heaven's door?
Oh, NOW i remember. I'm not supposed to believe in heaven. Therefore no door. No bleddy thinking of things like this. Lose more stuff. The least I could do is atleast ensure some deserving guy gets it. Like this fellow with the year back, and a red karizma that for some weird reason needs some 20k before it's his again.
Right. Therefore, the moral of the story. Losing isn't everything. It's finding a nice guy to lose it to that's the hardest.

Author: neanderthaldude » Comments: