Friday, September 1
This blog is possibly not meant to accomodate pieces of a personal nature,but an overwhelming sense of relief has led me into taking this extreme step.
1. was responsible for 90% of my nightmares this year(the fact that it would be monday morning in a few hours making up the other 10% - this was only on sundays,as is evident).
2. raped me emotionally(if there is such a thing).
3. filled me with a sense of dread and loathing every morning(this led to a decline in interest in other subjects and life in general).
4. made me wish I was never born.
4 marks was the difference between another year of torment and freedom from the biggest evil to have ever plagued my life. In this regard I'd like to thank a few people- neanderthaldude,for 5 hours of his time,which yielded close to 20 marks(by my reckoning); and the person who occupied the table in front of mine,whose generous exhibition of a solved problem on solids was responsible for the other 19.
Now that I have seen the last of that wretched subject,it's only apt that I quote 'Seether'- "The worst is over now..and we can breathe again..I wanna hold you high and share my pain..." (from "Broken" feat. Amy Lee).